There is a portal to new Dalaran next it.

Head to mages area, were the portal to Blasted Lands is. Head to Stormwind (alliance) or Orgrimmar (Horde). Easiest way of getting into Dalaran (Northrend) after the launch of Legion (Patch 7) from the new Dalaran: Use your Dalaran Hearthstone to get to Dalaran (Legion) In Dalaran (Legion), take the Portal to Vale of Eternal Blossoms From there, fly to your faction’s Shrine/City (Alliance/Horde) The portal inside still points to Dalaran in Northrend Alternate method: Use your Dalaran Hearthstone to get to Dalaran. How to get to Dalaran in the Broken Isles from Stormwind During your initial Legion quests, you can find a mage holding open a portal to the city in. Beginning in Stormwind for Alliance players of World of Warcraft (WoW), start at the. Grab a lift to the top of the castle, get on it, head to the flight trainer and fly to Dalaran for two gold. Most of my work is made for/on my DeviantArt page here: (The loading screen is from the video, from WoW of course). And Pepega Blizzard has some explaining to do. Finally, hand in this quest, and you’re finished, you have Argus unlocked. Now, skip the cutscene, and you should be in Argus. Once you got onto the Vindicaar, hand that quest in and pick up the next quest. Once in Dalaran, go back to Khadgar, and pick up his quest, called “The Hand of Fate” and follow this quest line until you reach the Vindicaar. Hand this quest in, then go back to Dalaran. After you’ve done that, you should appear on Broken Shore. Now, fly over to Krasus’ Landing, near the flight master, and pick up the quest “Armies of Legionfall”. Next, go to Khadgar, and pick up the quest “Uniting The Isles”, then hand it in to Khadgar.

To get to Argus, first you’ll need to accept, the Pepega that is Blizzard.